Installation shinyProxy: file location

Hello, (i’m using centOS 7)

I’m following the tutorial, I’m at the part Download ShinyProxy and i download the rpm file. I install it with this command

$ sudo yum localinstall shinyproxy_2.3.0_x86_64.rpm

The folder /etc/shinyproxy is empty.

My question is where is the file shinyproxy-2.3.0.jar ?


My OS is Ubuntu18, and I used below code to get that jar file installed.

wget -O /opt/shinyproxy/shinyproxy.jar

After installation is complete, the file location will be displayed on screen, and in my case it was /opt/shinyproxy/shinyproxy.jar

how can u you install it wget is just for download file.
I did what you did and where are the configuration files for the shinyproxy ?