Alternated successful/ unsuccessful logins


I am trying the setup my app with shinyproxy. The app needs to access Postgre DB.
The images are build with Docker-Compose.

With the first login attempt I see my app starting (I am using redirect in index.html).
Then “Container unresponsive, trying again” in “shinyproxy.log”.
HTML output is “undefined”.

The next login succeeds.

So it goes on, alternating successful login and “undefined”.

What can be the problem here?


PS: It looks like some timing issue now. After login I do not see my app, the url to my app is correctly shown in browser (http://localhost:8080/app/myapp), HTML output is ‘undefined’, is empty. With ‘docker ps -a’ command I can see that the container is running. I can copy the link http://localhost:8080/app/myapp to another browser window and my app appears. From Shinyproxy code I can see that I never arrive to BaseController after first login with ‘undefined’ HTML output.