We already have the ShinyProxy site, and we want to use R/Python to read some data from the site. First, we sent a POST request to make the app UP (ip:8000/app/appname/_). We received the 200 repsonse that the APP was UP sucessfully. Then we sent a GET request (ip:8000/api/proxy), which also confirm the APP was UP. But when we sent the WS connection R/Python code, it always returned “[error] Server handshake response error: websocketpp.processor:20 (Invalid HTTP status.”. The websocket path is from previous REST request and similiar like this: ip:8000/app_proxy/0c3b2b37-2462-4f6e-8467-6f735bfd0aa6/websocket/ .Also serveral seconds later, the APP was down, and GET request (ip:8000/api/proxy) returned “{“status”:“fail”,“data”:“app_stopped_or_non_existent”}”.
Please note that, if we deploy the Shiny without ShinyProxy, then we can connect Websocket using R/Python code successfully. I’m not sure if ShinyProxy block the programming connection (rather than using webbrower) to websocket. Is any solution for this problem?