Docker and Server Bookmarks

I’m deploying an application to ShinyProxy on a VM using Docker. Everything appears to work as expected, except the bookmark functionality. I’ve enable server-side bookmarking in my application, and when I click the button in my application, I see a URL like this:


The issue I’m facing is that the container ID is in the URL, so when a user is finished with their work and the container spins down, the bookmark cannot be found because the container is gone. I’m faced with an error screen:

{status: “fail”, data: “app_stopped_or_non_existent”}

It feels like there’s something obvious I’m missing. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Hi , just for reference, as mentioned in the GitHub issue (Using app access the url_pathname returns the endpoint it (old issue went back) · Issue #522 · openanalytics/shinyproxy · GitHub), you have to use the track-app-url feature (Configuration | ShinyProxy) and then create a custom button with a custom url.