Examples for connecting shinyproxy to mysql, redshift, s3

I’m using shinyproxy for static files but now I wanted to connect it to several db and or s3. I’m trying to do it with mysql but it doesn’t work in any way. Does anyone have or may provide a real example of docker and ui/server.R how this is constructed for mysql, redshift and s3? I have everything running locally on my machine which is working smoothly but when I want to migrate it it failed. Thank you for your help!

What is failing exactly? I’m connecting to PostgreSQL, and experienced no problems whatsoever.

Hi bartekch,
in general I’d like to know how to properly connect to db (mysql, redshift or s3). In my R file I have below script and in my Dockerfile I don’t have any reference or info about my mysql (I don’t know if I should add something). Hence, I’d like to know how to do it properly (any suggestion is more than welcome).


mydb <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user=‘admin’, password=‘password’, port = 8200, dbname=‘mydbname’, host=‘host.company.com’)

myqr <- dbGetQuery(mydb,
from mytable


Thank you!

Any example from anyone using mysql from external db would be highly appreciated. How to prepare docker file or yaml?