Google Sheet and ShinyProxy

Hello Everyone,

Has anyone come across the problem of Google sheet authentication in ShinyProxy?
With GS4 library, on local machine, the GS4 will ask user in the console to choose either:

  1. Use the Token
  2. Redirect to browser to re-authenticate
    But when we are hosting the app, user have no way to interact with the consoles, hence unable to do anything.

Anyone got any experience with this issue?

Hi, did you already try to force the out of bound authentication explained here:
Authorize googlesheets4 — gs4_auth • googlesheets4 ?

E.g. by setting options(gargle_oob_default = TRUE) and:

options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "web")       # pseudo-OOB
# or, alternatively
options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "installed") # conventional OOB