Handling and updating multiple users

I’ve been able to successfully deploy a containerized Shinyproxy App. How can I scale it to handle multiple users (say 100)? Do I need to add them all in the application.yml file, and how to go about disabling users? Is there a flexible alternative to include/exclude users in the App in an scenario of multiple concurrent users.

Hi Eugenio,
If you are using simple auth, I guess this is what you should do. Add them to yml file, although there are other ways of authentication for users. LDAP is another option that allows you to have an LDAP server somewhere and reference it in application.yml. You will populate and edit your users on your LDAP server without exposing the user details in the yaml file.

I am sure others can help you how to do it and there are some documentation for it on ShinyProxy website.

Hi Eugenio,

consider using Keycloak. You can run it in container on same machine.

Handling lot of users in yml file is painful and on each change you have to restart Shinyproxy which interrupt access to users.



Hi Dusan,

Many users report that not getting this to work behind an HTTPS proxy. Were you able to?


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Hi John,

yes I managed to get it working behind https reverse proxy (nginx with Let’s Encript certs). Keycloak on one subdomain, Shinyproxy on another both with https.


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