I love this.. now the next questions

Oke, so far so good. I have been able to create a dashboard. It uses USER variable.
Now I want to have two types of users in my app… Agents and managers.
An agent only sees their own data, a manager sees all data of his team of agents.
I could create a single dashboard that can deal with manager vs agent.
But… I like to do that via the groups. Can I use in my R code the group in the same way as I can use the USER?

If not I have to create two apps, and they have to share data.
With my zero docker experience, I I need asume I need to use:
docker-env-file: /path/to/env-file
docker-volumes: [ “/host/path1:/container/path1”, “/host/path2:/container/path2” ]

Anyboy that has an example of the configuration and docker files?

And… a development request. I like to modify the HTML/CSS of the login and landing pages. In order to do that I have to modify the files in the Jar, and compile it again. Is it possible to follow the same mechanism as with the config file? If no page file is defined it takes the pages in the Jar, otherwise it takes the pages places in the same folder as the configuration.yml

Thank you for the great work so far! I love it!

On sharing a volume, my guess is that all I need to do is:

  • name: 06_tabsets
    docker-cmd: [“R”, “-e shinyproxy::run_06_tabsets()”]
    docker-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
    docker-volumes: [ “/host/path1:/container/path1”, “/host/path2:/container/path2” ]
    groups: scientists

And I assume that this “/host/path1” is the path on the machine running the container, while “/container/path1” is how it is mapped inside the container. So, in my R script I will then have to use that “/container/path1”. So in the above case I would use in my R script “openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo/mysharedvol/” to reach it?
Sorry for these noob questions… But I am learing, and I love it.

Hi @Emile_Bakker,

You are right that you can set the volume (or volumes) to be mounted per individual application.

An example could be

 docker-volumes: [ "/opt/data-app1:/opt/data"]

On your docker host, there will be a folder /opt/data-app1 in which e.g. you can put a file someFile.csv. Since this is mapped to /opt/data on the filesystem of the container you can then read in this file using the following in your R code:

appData <- read.csv(file = "/opt/data/someFile.csv")

Hope this helps.
