thanks for developing this great application!
We are almost there with our LDAP config, only some final hints needed. At least I hope so.
With the following config the admin users are able to login, also the admin button appears after login.
Only piece is missing to add the Nonadmin users. They’re in a different group: CN=spx_Nonadmins.
we realized that the LDAP filter (|(CN=abc)(CN=def)) will add both privileges (‘abc’ + ‘def’) to the user.
So, if somebody logs in from group ‘abc’ will get the privileges from group ‘def’ as well and vice versa.
In our case everybody will be admin even the nonadmin users.
Did I miss something? I’m curious that is there a way to handle separately the user groups!
Can you clarify? I don’t fully understand your case.
The group-search-filter cannot grant privileges to users, it only specifies where groups can be found in the LDAP tree.
sure, this is our full LDAP configuration in shinyproxy application.yml:
url: ldap://12.345.678.91:389/dc=xy,dc=priv
manager-dn: CN=ldap_technical_user,OU=Service,OU=Accounts,OU=Company,DC=xy,DC=private
manager-password: manager-password
group-search-base: OU=Roles,OU=Company
group-search-filter: (|(CN=Admingroup)(CN=Nonadmingroup))
user-search-filter: (sAMAccountName={0})
This enables both admin and non-admin users to login which is ok but everybody gets the admin+nonadmin privileges together. So, even nonadmin users can see the Admin button after login and so on.
In the meantime we realized that with this config everybody - inside the organization - is allowed to enter, so the group filter does not work this way.
Highly appreciated any furhter advice.
Thanks, Imre