More Professional Custom Main Page Template

Hello ShinyProxy lovers,

As you know, it is possible to make some changes to the user interface on ShinyProxy. Thanks to custom templates. :point_down:t2:

Currently, there are 5 deployed shiny apps on my ShinyProxy and it is increasing day by day because I develop more shiny apps. That’s why, I’d like to show the main page more professionally to the users.

By default, the apps on the main page are listed one by one like below :point_down:t2:

I wonder, is there any different main page template to use or how to make a more professional main page?

This is the default main page :point_down:t2:

Thanks in advance!


The main page is editable, thyme leaf. You can also land directly on an app that then links out. IMO the concept of one landing page where all users land is a little naive though (just a little). I would prefer to see ShinyProxy handle the apps a little more independently and transparently without having to setup different instances of ShinyProxy for each application URL. EG literally just a proxy that handles authentication, web socket connection and some http. It is nice for starting out to be able to have a number of apps to switch between and a menu to start and restart, but as they apps become more stable that isn’t as necessary.