Not able mount volumes in shinyproxy kubernetes

Hi , I have deployed shinyproxy in AWS EKS using GitHub - openanalytics/shinyproxy-operator: Easily run ShinyProxy on a Kubernetes cluster,

I created a PV and PVC , now trying to mount into shiny app, below is my config

    - id: 03_app
    displayName: Demo Shiny App for custom package
    description: Deploy shiny app from  RStudio connet to Shiny Proxy
      - R
      - -q
      - -e
      - shiny::runApp('/srv/shiny-server/app.R')
    container-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
    kubernetes-pod-patches: |
      - op: add
        path: /spec/volumes
          name: app-data-volume
            claimName: sp-pvc-smb-rdmc
      - op: add
        path: /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts
          name: app-data-volume
          mountPath: /RDMC

After redeploying i am not able to open this app

I am getting this on the screen - Failed to start app Demo Shiny App

In shinyproxy logs there is no logs related to this

FYI the pv and pvc are created outside of this shinyproxy config but it is in the same namspace as shinyproxy and the app and in the bound state

Am i missing anything here?

Hi, your patch looks valid to me, so probably the pod is failing to start and ShinyProxy waits for it to become ready. To debug this, you can start your application and use kubernetes tools to look for any errors on the pod. You could use a kubernetes UI (e.g. k9s) or simple kubectl:

# replace <my_namespace> by your namespace
kubectl -n <my_namespace> get pods
# look for the pod and copy the name
kubectl -n <my_namespace> describe pod <name_of_pod>

At the end out of the output you should see some events and these should help debug the issue.

  - id: 04_app
    displayName: Shiny App with SMB Mount
    description: Deploy shiny app from  RStudio connet to Shiny Proxy and access SMB Share data
    container-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
    kubernetes-pod-patches: |
      - op: add
        path: /spec/volumes
        value: []
      - op: add
        path: /spec/volumes/-
          name: app-data-volume
            claimName: sp-pvc-smb-rdmc
      - op: add
        path: /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts
        value: []
      - op: add
        path: /spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-
           name: app-data-volume
          mountPath: /RDMC
      - R
      - -q
      - -e
      - shiny::runApp('/srv/shiny-server/app.R')

Hi @tdekoninck , Thanks for your response

I have managed to resolve this issue.

Resolution is, After defining empty mount array and then defining the mounts helped me resolve this issue.

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