Recommended setup for ShinyProxy in Azure

Hi all,

is there a recommended way to setup ShinyProxy in Azure?
As there are several options (on a VM, Azure Container Apps, Azure App Services, etc.) I’m keen to know if there are recommendations / experiences available.

The app images are in a Azure Container registry already.

Thank you!


ShinyProxy needs access to either a Docker (Swarm) host or Kubernetes cluster. Therefore, the current options are to deploy a VM or a Azure Kubernetes service cluster. For small and simple setups we often use just a VM. If the setup needs to support many apps, users or advanced configuration we typically use a Kubernetes cluster, but this is more complex to set up.

We are looking into writing a container backend for Azure Container Instances (just like we did for AWS ECS), this would give some benefits of using a Kubernetes cluster without the complexity of Kubernetes. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in this.

Hi @tdekoninck ,

Thanks, that looks like I want to start with a deployed VM.

Still I’m very interested in the Container Instances solution as the amount of Apps and users is constantly growing and I don’t want to wrangle around with a Kubernetes setup too much.

Thanks again!