Startup Time ECS Fargate Backend

Hi all,

I saw that in the latest version of ShinyProxy (3.1.1) it is possible to use AWS ECS as a backend (in combination with Fargate). I tried it because I was curious about a “serverless” solution with ECS Fargate, so I followed the tutorial provided here.

This worked fine and I was able to deploy the “Hello Example App” using the ECS backend. However, I noticed that the startup time when clicking on the app in the shinyproxy app list (“Launching App xy …”) is quite long (~ 1 minute).

I’m not too experienced with Fargate, but as I understand it, all computing resources are spun up as soon as the user launches the app and so it seems logical to me that the startup time is much higher compared to a deployment solution on EC2 (as that instance is already running and doesn’t need to be spun up).

Is this interpretation correct or am I missing something? Is there a way to speed up the startup process with Fargate? Or are you guys experiencing much shorter startup times and I may have misconfigured something?

If anyone has more experience with ECS Fargate, I would love to discuss it!