What is the best way for authentication?

Hello everyone,

I developed a few Shiny apps and deployed on ShinyProxy for my company. I’m an only data analyst in the company and beginner about Shinyproxy. Also, IT is not knowladgeable about authentication stuff.

For now, the app deployed on company network but the system needs to be accessible soon for our employees without VPN connection. That’s why, it has to be accessible with an authentication system.

When I read the documentations, I saw that simple authentication is useful for me but it is not secure. The documentation says “Since passwords are contained in clear text in the application.yml file, this is not a secure way to set up authentication, but can be useful for demonstration purposes (e.g. in the absence of a network connection) or for very specific use cases.”

It presents us alternative ways like LDAP, Keycloak and so on. I looked at all of them from the documentations and outsource documentations, articles, videos etc. However I’m confussed about what is the best way in my case.

I guess, LDAP and Keycloack could be more appropriate on my case but I’m not sure. I wonder your experinces and sharings.

It woulde be great a resoure which tells authentication stuff step by step If there is.

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I think that for your situation, using Keycloak is the best option. Keycloak will allow you to manage users and passwords. Next you have to connect Keycloak with ShinyProxy using OpenID connect. There are many tutorials and examples on the web.


I confirm what @tdekoninck said, the best way is Keycloak.
I’m using it as SSO for my Shiny Apps, with features like OTP ( one-time password as 2 Factor Auth), roles and user groups.

Also you can found a lot materials for the configuration out there, steps easy way if you are using docker:

  • create docker network
  • run a postgres db with the network attached, don’t forget to set env. var. for the db password … [Image Page]
  • run Keycloak image with the network attached, set env var to configure db [Image Page]
  • connect to keycloak as an admin and creation new realm : My_REALM
  • for testing you can use the Account client already exists in the new realm (My_REALM)
  • put the informations in your application.yaml : ressource, secret and url …

Hope this helps



Many thanks for your views. I’m sure your comments will be very helpful to newbies like me. I will try keycloak on shiny proxy. @tdekoninck @adanba .

@adanba is it necessary to create a network and run a postgresql container? I already installed shinyproxy and postgresql manually on ubuntu server without docker. I only need for Keycloak.

I thought It would be enough for me only run a Keycloak container. That’s why I run this code on terminal and Keycloak runs succesfully…

docker container run -d --name Keycloak -p 8787:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:legacy 


I created a realm named shinyproxy.

Then, I created a user and its password.

  • Username: user
  • Password: user

In next step, I should create a client and I defined the client id as shinyproxy.

In next page, there is the capability config of this client. Client authentication was turn off but I turned on it.

Keycloak documentation says that after the client is created, make these updates to the client:

Access settings.

  • Set Valid redirect URIs to https://www.keycloak.org/app/*
  • Set Web origins to https://www.keycloak.org

That’s why I added the url of the shinyproxy and saved the settings.

Valid redirect URIs to http://10.*.*.*:8080/*
Web origins to http://10.*.*.*:8080

In Credentials tab, I see my client secret 6hJMdUJPxpInn03C0VrsdeTXvT0NyiW7

Shinyproxy application.yml


  title: Myapp
  landing-page: /
  favicon-path: /ShinyApps/LandingPage/favicon.ico
  template-path: ./templates/modified_navbar 

  heartbeat-rate: 10000
  heartbeat-timeout: 600000
  container-wait-time: 20000 

  port: 8080
  default-max-instances: 10

  stop-proxies-on-shutdown: false
  recover-running-proxies: true
  recover-running-proxies-from-different-config: true

  authentication: keycloak
    realm: shinyproxy #yoursso
    auth-server-url: http://10.*.*.*:8787/auth #http://yoururl.com:8180/auth
    resource: shinyproxy #yourresource
    credentials-secret: 6hJMdUJPxpInn03C0VrsdeTXvT0NyiW7 #your-credentials-secret

  admin-groups: admins

    cert-path: /FBCert
    url: http://localhost:2375
    port-range-start: 20000
    internal-networking: true

  - id: BOR
    display-name: BOR
    description: App1
    logo-url: file:///ShinyApps/LandingPage/fbm.jpg
    container-image: fbm/fbapp:latest
    max-lifetime: 120
    container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp('/root/App1/app.R', port = 3838, host = '')"]
    container-volumes: ["/Volumes/App1/reports/BOR:/root/App1/reports/BOR"]
    access-groups: [admins, users]

  - id: REQUEST
    display-name: PR
    description: App2
    logo-url: file:///ShinyApps/LandingPage/fbm.jpg
    max-lifetime: 120
    container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp('/root/App2/app.R', port = 3838, host = '')"]
    container-volumes: []
    access-groups: [admins, fbstaff, users]

  container-log-path: /etc/shinyproxy/logs/container-logs

    name: /etc/shinyproxy/logs/shinyproxy.log

      max-file-size: 200MB
      max-request-size: 200MB

  useForwardHeaders: true

After I restart shiny proxy with sudo systemctl restart shinyproxy, It fails like this.

This site is unreachable
10.*.*.* refused to connect.
Try the following:
* Checking your connection
* Checking proxy and firewall

What am I doing wrong in which step?

Hi @Ekrem_Bayar
1 - remove the “/auth” in the auth-server-url: from the application.yaml.
2 - try to ping the postgres db from the keycloak container to get the right address.
3 - try to ping the keycloak from the server where shinyproxy is installed.

Which keycloak version did you use ? the new one doesn’t include “/auth” in the auth-url by default.

When you start Shinyproxy, i think it can’t reach your keycloak server …
Also i don’t see where did you put the postgre username/password for keycloak …
Show us the shiny proxy logs when your start it, also the keycloak logs ?

Hi @adanba

Thanks a lot for your response and questions. They made me having idea what should I do.

I had no idea what version of keycloak to use. I was trying to run quay.io/keycloak/keycloak image and it was new versions. Then, I tried to run old versions but there were some problems I couldn’t understand. After your response, I tried another docker image and ran container successfully. I used this jboss/keycloak image.

I achieved to assemble Shinyproxy and Keycloak successfully. On Keycloak, I created a new realm as shinyproxy and I created users and groups. Also I assigned the users to each group where they belong to. After these configurations, I can connect to shinyproxy on Keycloak right now. Shinyproxy opens with its landing page and it shows me the shiny apps, however when I want to run any of app I get this error.

Status code: 500
Message: value may not be null for key SHINYPROXY_USERNAME

There is still lots of things I will learn. I created user and groups on keycloak but I didn’t make any changes in application.yml. Probably, this is the main reason. I should figure out how to assing user and groups to specific apps.

Here is my application.yml


  title: Shinyproxy
  landing-page: /
  favicon-path: /ShinyApps/LandingPage/favicon.ico
  template-path: ./templates/modified_navbar 
  heartbeat-rate: 10000
  heartbeat-timeout: 600000
  container-wait-time: 20000 

  port: 8080
  default-max-instances: 10 

  stop-proxies-on-shutdown: false
  recover-running-proxies: true
  recover-running-proxies-from-different-config: true

  authentication: keycloak
      realm: shinyproxy
      auth-server-url: http://*.*.*.*:8787/auth
      resource: shinyproxy
      credentials-secret: gMHrFanXYkS7Szhr4TLILbhKqprOhn0I

  admin-groups: [admin]
    cert-path: /FBCert 
    url: http://localhost:2375
    port-range-start: 20000
    port-range-max: 20030 

    - id: REQUEST
      display-name: App1
      description: App1
      logo-url: file:///ShinyApps/LandingPage/fbm.jpg
      container-image: image/app1
      max-lifetime: 120
      container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp('/root/App1/app.R', port = 3838, host = '')"]
      container-volumes: ["/Volumes/App1/BOR:/root/App1/reports/BOR"]

    - id: App2
      display-name: App2
      description: App2
      logo-url: file:///ShinyApps/LandingPage/fbm.jpg
      container-image: image/app2
      max-lifetime: 120
      container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp('/root/App2/app.R', port = 3838, host = '')"]
      container-volumes: []

  container-log-path: /etc/shinyproxy/logs/container-logs

    name: /etc/shinyproxy/logs/shinyproxy.log
    org.keycloak: debug

      max-file-size: 200MB
      max-request-size: 200MB

  useForwardHeaders: true

For beginners like me :slight_smile:

Also I would like to explain all steps for beginners like me. I hope it will help people.

First of all, I had installed shinyproxy and postgresql on ubuntu server manually. They work fine. I just needed Keycloak to manage authentication.

In addition, I created a new DB named Keycloak on postgres. There must be a DB connection in Keycloak. That’s why I have to set DB environment variables for docker container . Then, I tested this connection and it ran succesfully.

You can see the code below. It will work for you, if DB runs.

docker run -d -p 8787:8080 -e DB_VENDOR=postgres -e DB_USER=postgres -e DB_PASSWORD=password -e DB_ADDR=*.*.*.* -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_DATABASE=Keycloak -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin jboss/keycloak

When the container created successfully, you can go to Keycloak page by using IP + Port info.

I created a new realm as shinyproxy.

I created users and groups. Also I assigned the users to each group where they belong to.

As final step, I created a client on Keycloak. I defined Valid Redirect Urls and got credential secret.

Also you can check DB connection between postgres and keycloak on Rstudio.

con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(),
                 host = "*.*.*.*",
                 port = 5432,
                 dbname = "Keycloak",
                 user = "postgres",
                 password = "password")


dbReadTable(con, "user_entity")

After these configurations, you will be able to have your login page.

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I found the indentation is not ok in your application.yml file.

Your version :

Right version :

  authentication: keycloak
    realm: shinyproxy
    auth-server-url: http://*.*.*.*:8787/auth
    resource: shinyproxy
    credentials-secret: gMHrFanXYkS7Szhr4TLILbhKqprOhn0I


I have to do exactly the same thing as you did, but all screenshots are missing. Do you think there could be a way for you to send it to me or whatever solution that seems better to you ?

I really hope you can help me !

Thanks, have a good day


Hi Damien,

The new version of shinyproxy is not supported to keycloak, as far as I know from the documentation. Also, I couldn’t apply the reverse proxy between keycloak and shinyproxy for my domain. I decided to use simple authentication. My background is data science, not IT or software engineer and all details about shinyproxy, nginx, authentication etc. is not familiar to me. My shinyproxy is running privately on the company network. For now, I’ve preferred the simple authentication.

I can’t help you :frowning:

If I would be an expert all stuff, I would create a documentation from the beginning to the end. I hope you can find the best solution for you.

ShinyProxy still supports keycloak through the OpenID integration. In fact, for our deployments, it’s the most used integration. We have general documentation on OpenID here Configuration | ShinyProxy and a full guide on configuring keycloak for ShinyProxy: shinyproxy-config-examples/12-openid-keycloak at master · openanalytics/shinyproxy-config-examples · GitHub .